Institutional relations of the High Council for the Judiciary

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Etage Hôtel Moreau

Institutional relations of the High Council for the Judiciary

The High Council for thr Judiciary maintains institutional relations with many actors. In partnership with the High School for the Judiciary (“Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature”, hereafter ENM), it participates in the training of French and foreign judges.

It meets regularly with representatives of other constituted bodies and maintains ongoing exchanges with the various players in the judicial institution.

The High Council for the Judiciary is traditionally associated with the ENM


In its initial training activities for and in its continuing education activities for magistrates.

Rencontre avec les auditeurs de justice ENM - juillet 2019

Rencontre avec les auditeurs de justice ENM - juillet 2019

Delegations from the Council regularly travel to Bordeaux to meet the classes of trainee magistrates (“auditeurs de justice”).

A presentation is usually organised before the new magistrates take up their first position as a judge or a prosecutor, focusing more specifically on ethics of the judiciary.

The Council also hosts training sessions for new heads of court of appeal and new heads of courts of first instance every year.

Rencontre avec les nouveaux chefs de juridiction - septembre 2019

Rencontre avec les nouveaux chefs de juridiction - septembre 2019


Its members are involved in continuing education activities, such as the in-depth judicial study cycle, the management-training plan and sessions on judicial ethics, discipline and responsibility.

Meetings and institutional relations


To carry out its missions, the Council maintains regular links with all the players in the judicial institution.

Working meetings and exchanges with representatives of the ministry of justice, conferences of first presidents and General prosecutors of courts of appeal, conferences of presidents and prosecutors of courts of first instance, and trade unions are organised.

The Council is also consulted on draft reforms concerning the judiciary.

Its members regularly exchange views with the representatives of the other constituted bodies.

Rencontre avec les premiers présidents de cour d'appel

Rencontre avec les premiers présidents de cour d'appel